Muziekcafé BarBiertje
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
7 spaces person_pinCapacity
20-30020 until 300 people
Restaurant Aan Zee
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
2 spaces person_pinCapacity
25-13025 until 130 people
Brielse Boer
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
5 spaces person_pinCapacity
20-20020 until 200 people
Hotel-Congrescentrum de Zeeuwse Stromen
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
18 spaces person_pinCapacity
2-2202 until 220 people
Fletcher Landgoed Hotel Renesse
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
11 spaces person_pinCapacity
1-1201 until 120 people
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
6 spaces person_pinCapacity
1-601 until 60 people
Carlton Oasis
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
8 spaces person_pinCapacity
2-4002 until 400 people
De Polderij
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
6 spaces person_pinCapacity
1-701 until 70 people
Hoek van Hollland meeting_roomAmount of spaces
5 spaces person_pinCapacity
1-2501 until 250 people