Brasserie Park
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
6 spaces person_pinCapacity
12-30012 until 300 people
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
6 spaces person_pinCapacity
2-4002 until 400 people
Dignita Den Haag - Prins Hendrik
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
2 spaces person_pinCapacity
10-8010 until 80 people
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
7 spaces person_pinCapacity
5-3505 until 350 people
SEAson Arsenaal
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
3 spaces person_pinCapacity
15-15015 until 150 people
De Soester Duinen
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
12 spaces person_pinCapacity
5-5005 until 500 people
Van der Valk Palace Hotel Noordwijk
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
36 spaces person_pinCapacity
2-4502 until 450 people
't Schippershuis
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
7 spaces person_pinCapacity
1-2501 until 250 people
Restaurant Beachclub NU
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
6 spaces person_pinCapacity
2-20002 until 2000 people
Brasserie Milo
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
3 spaces person_pinCapacity
Up to 250 people Hard Rock Cafe Amsterdam
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
6 spaces person_pinCapacity
Up to 350 people Grand Café De Lichttoren
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
4 spaces person_pinCapacity
15-75015 until 750 people